Friday, January 12, 2007

Nyago stars in J-pop videos. Small stars.

I've done a few music videos in the past 6 months for rad-bad J-pop artists. They are always... interesting.

The first one that I did was for mega-group SMAP. We played football in some field in Saitama. The goalie was a real nice guy called Andy who used to be the reserve goalkeeper for Sunderland until he slipped a disk - he now runs a soccer academy in Saitama (his wife is Japanese).
I've often tried searching for the video on Youtube, but the thing is, I don't even know the name of the song, and there are thousands of SMAP videos on Youtube... someday maybe...

I did manage to track down a couple of others though. I did this video with a boy-band called EXILE. They are pretty big.

Good luck trying to spot me though - I could only catch myself briefly at 2:36 holding a camera on the left. It's pretty blurry too...
It's also hard to pick me out from the throngs of volunteer fans who turned up, lucky winners of the EXILE fan club lottery. There was lots of screaming. They were mostly 30's-40's women, with a few wimpy young men also making an appearance (crafty buggers). One old lady was pretty funny, calling one of the members 'Ma-chan' all the time, in the tone of voice commonly used for babies and small dogs. He laughed. I seriously think that her perception of reality is somewhat off-cue.

You can see a bit more of me in this video by bikini-model turned singer Nao Nagasawa. You should be able to spot me a few times, although they disgracefully didn't use my funky dancing moves.

I guess she was trying to be controversial - but here in Japan no-one blinks an eye at this kind of crap. To think that Madonna kicked up such a fuss with 'like a Prayer' all those years ago - well, at least she wasn't dressed like a prozzie (for once).
I think that Randy, who plays the priest dude, does a great job here. When he shows her the cross - hilarious. He's the actor who played the doctor who says "You have ALS" in my sickness documentary.
The studio was so dusty... made me real flemmy for days, I was hacking up all kinds of crap. There was all this glitter too that got everywhere and melted in the lights. Dang. It wasn't fun. They kept us for hours longer then scheduled, with no food all day. I acquired one of the lunch boxes designated for the staff (they never have time to eat them anyway) Ho-hum.
Still, I got about 75quid for each job - and know I am immortalised in music history. Perhaps, someday they will be extras in my music videos. Or maybe not.

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