Thursday, November 30, 2006

A taste of Wii

Sorry, I couldn't resist the Wii gag... I'm sure that I'm not the only one...

Well, anyhows, me and the Rumster went down to the National Exposition centre in Chiba last weekend for Nintendo's 'Experience Wii' weekend. And, I must say, we had lots of fun. Lots.
It was good to see that, compared to the Tokyo Game Show, it was well lit, and the crowd was much more diverse (less geeks, more families).
Is this the start of genuine family gaming? That's clearly the aim of Wii Sports, and I challenge anyone to play Wii golf and not have fun. Even the serious salaryman above is smiling(almost)! Me, I can't wait to play Trauma Centre (a surgery simulator).

More recording troubles o(#_#)o

I certainly haven't had much luck lately when it comes to recording my acting jobs.
Last month I did a promotion Video for media manufacturer Imation, almost exclusively using me. I'm trying to get a DVD copy of the ad, but my agency is notoriously fickle about these things, so I doubt that it will materialise.
The ad was only shown for three days on a big screen outside Shinbashi station in central Tokyo. The ad was only shown once an hour, so we waited, in the rain. Eventually my camera ran out of batteries, so I had to use my mobile phone. When it finally came on, my hands were so cold that I had difficulties pressing the button! having tried in vain for about three hours, this is all I could capture - just pictures of my hands! Oh well. Click on the eSnips buttons for more video disappointment!!