Saturday, January 13, 2007

Capturing the essence of motion

I just got back from an audition for a motion-capture part in a video game. I can't give too much away of course, but I can say that it's for an RPG by one of the major Japanese software companies.
I was very impressed by the professionalism - the staff and studio were much more organised than anything I've seen so far in TV, commercials and films.

This is what motion capture work looks like -
not so different to a Saturday night out for me, then.

The audition was really fun - there were several different parts to try out, as well as some ad-lib sword fighting with a wooden kendo sword. Yeh, I kicked arse, of course. Need you even ask?
It would be real sweet if I could land this job - not only would the experience be ideal, but the money is also really good too. It will be hard though, as all the other actors there were pretty good, and much more experienced... let's hope that I have some raw talent hidden in there somewhere. I thought that I did particularly well doing my lizard-man walk.

The studio had a huge collection of fake weapons - guns, swords, bows - the lot. For one scene, we were going to use this huuuuge bad-ass sword, but it was too long for the poor girl... so we gave her a baton instead. For some reason, all the girls there were all really hot - isn't it irrelevant for motion capture anyway?!? Give the mingers a chance, for pity's sake.

I really need to penetrate through the scummy layer of TV acting that I've been doing - this kind of stuff is much more beneficial. I haven't heard from my voice-artist agency for a couple of months now, so it's been shitty job after shitty job.

It's time for some more 'Oomf'. It's time that they all realised that I AM A GOD!! Only then will I wear my Motion-Capture suit before the masses.

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