Friday, January 19, 2007

This is the world we live in

And these are the hands we're given.

It's been a frustrating day.

My goal was to make a highlights reel for Youtube of all my extra roles from the past couple of months.

First, I deleted one of the best ones by accident. That made me angry.

Then, Windows Movie Maker decided not to cooperate. If you've never used WMM... don't! It is seriously bad software. So buggy. A pale imitation of iMovie, to be sure.

Anyway, I've put this video up for now. I'm not in it, but it is nonetheless pretty ridiculous. I decided not to translate it, as I'm sure that your furtive imaginations will come up with much better content.

This has inspired me to put together an article about novelty Japanese celebs, and how they get chained to a single image for the rest of their careers. Poor bastards. Eventually, they cease to be odd any more - just noticable.
Mum sometimes said that if you do a funny face and the wind changes direction, that face will stick forever. I think there's an analogy in there somewhere.
If anyone out there has any ideas for image gimmicks that can get me noticed in Japanese TV, I'll be glad to hear! :-P Extensive nose elongation surgery perhaps?

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