Friday, January 26, 2007

The procrastination of truth

Remember a while back I posted about "getting closer to why I am in Japan".

Well, lately, it hasn't been going according to plan.

I didn't get the Motion Capture part.
The movie is looking increasingly dubious.
I still haven't heard about any jobs from my Game Localisation company.

Those were my three main goals for this year, and they are looking slightly vaporous...

Despite all this, I've been in pretty good spirits lately. I've just finished another tax course - perhaps the relief from that is perking me up. It's always nice to finish a teaching job, and realising that both you and the students somehow enjoyed it. Today we did a two hour roleplay session of a foreigner filling his Tax payments... somehow, the students were enjoying it; laughing, smiling. Bizzare.

Well, they are out of my life now, so it's time to think about what comes next. I've got a few TV jobs coming up in Feb, so that should keep me ticking over in the meantime. I'm doing one commercial with a mega-famous pop star from SMAP too. It'll be the most I've ever gotten paid for one day's work. I deserve it, need it, will use it.

I was walking home the other day, and suddenly realised.... if I leave Japan, I won't be able to eat sushi (properly)... this shook me a bit. Not sure if I can leave Japan now. The food here is just so great. British food is so miserable... it makes me angry. Gastro pubs? Friking gastro pubs? Who the hell are these idiots. I went to one in London with Mickey O' last year... it was basically pub food, with herbs shucked on. Decorated with fancy names and dim lighting.
Don't get me wrong - there is plenty of good food in the UK. The problem is, if you go in a pub/restaurant/cafe and order food, 70% chance it will be merely adequate... it's like just producing the meal is the goal (on a large plate so that you can charge five quid for it). I worked in a pub. It was dreadful. Almost everything was frozen-->microwaved.
Am I being too cynical here? Am I looking at the UK through shit-tainted glasses?


Moscow2 said...

Hmmm I agree with you to some extent - indeed, Britians wealth of chain bars are clearly more interested in making as much money as possible from as little effort as possible, as QUICK as possible. And of course, what better way than to pander to the bland British pallet, hungry for tasteless stodge.

Nevertheless, there are of course exceptions, and you can't beat a jolly nice fry-up (the Warsaw Diner at the top of Derby Road does them with pancakes! top marks). And what I would say is whilst trad "Brit" food is pretty lame, the CHOICE of worldly cusine is pretty much second to none. Infact, I do believe London was voted the best city to eat out in, like, EVER. By something or other. But of course, I know you hate Landan ;)

Anyway, what was this pubbage you worked in? Surely not The Ship? Ha, myself and L went there a while ago, they've done it up in a hideously garish Weatherspoon-style. Funny. Sort of. Maybe more tragic,actually.

Nyago said...

I worked in 'The Captain's Wife' in Sully (outside Penarth). It's part of the Whitbread chain (the ones with Charlie Chalk playgrounds, like anyone ever watched it. They grasp the franchise with cold dead hands nonetheless).
It's a beautifull pub, next to the sea. But the franchise-ism destroyed it. Sunday dinners were prepared on Saturday. The meat was so dry on Sunday that the Chef (a chav reprobate, natch) would flood the plate with runny gravy to hide his crime.
The Ship, also, yannow, its a pretty nice building, nice location... what have they done? British pubs are losing their dignity.